
Liduvina and Nicolas are just two examples of the great social legacy that the Lima 2019 Volunteer Program will leave for Peru thanks to the commitment and the time all volunteers dedicated, so that the Pan American and Parapan American Games are a success in our country and obtain recognition from all countries.

Liduvina Sanchez is 62 years old and decided to devote her life to Para swimming when she was 58. Despite of the short training time, she has obtained several achievements. This year she traveled to Brazil to participate in the International Lottery Open Caixa 2019 and brought three bronze medals home.

Her life changed almost completely. She used to work at the Supreme Council of Military Justice, but after being ceased in her job due to its permanent impairment, she transformed Para swimming into her passion, and now she dedicates her time to train every day since she is part of the National Paralympic Association.

There is nothing impossible for Liduvina. When she was one year old, she was infected with polio, but she has always tried to live a normal life thanks to the support of her parents.

When she heard about the Lima 2019 Volunteer Program, she did not hesitate for one minute to participate and split her time between swimming practices and volunteering. “So far, this has been a beautiful experience. I’ve worked in different areas, with an excellent group of partners, and I’ve also interacted with all medalists. That’s something I never thought that would happen,” said Liduvina very excited.

She is happy to have been part of the Lima 2019 group of volunteers and for the gestures of gratitude of all athletes, who will return to their countries with the best impression of Peru thanks to the volunteers.


Nicolas Meza is 31 years old and, for him, to use crutches is not a problem when performing several activities since he helps his father in a family business. He also speaks multiple languages and he likes giving classes.

Nevertheless, while being part of the Lima 2019 Volunteer Program, he found out that he wants to become a Para athlete, so once the Parapan American Games finish, he will dedicate his time to practice Para badminton and Para swimming. For sure, we are anticipating hearing his name on the news and his achievements for our country.

Being a volunteer made him proud since he learned a lot and performed different duties on the court, stands, athlete areas, press zone, etc.

“I’m proud of assisting these Games and that Peru hosted such a large sporting that promotes sport values in our society. It has been an honor. I’m very thankful for this opportunity” mentioned the young volunteer.

He also recommended all people with an impairment to move forward because there is nothing they cannot do. Everything is up to us and to our faith in God and our families.

The Lima 2019 volunteers are people from Peru and abroad. They represent the social legacy that the Pan American and Parapan American Games leave for Peru and allow people to be prepared for both national and international future events.


The contribution of the volunteers was essential for the Lima 2019 Pan American Games success and was widely recognized by Panam Sports (Pan American Sport Organization).

Angela Morales, head of the Lima 2019 Volunteer Program, revealed that 5000 volunteers participated in the Parapan American Games in different sport venues and operative roles.

It should be noted that a total of 104 people with an impairment were part of the Lima 2019 Volunteer Program during the Pan American Games (50 women and 54 men), while 79 people with some sort of impairment participated in the Parapan American Games (45 women and 34 men), making a total of 183.

She specified that a total of 11,900 volunteers took part in the Pan American Games. Around 85% of them were young people between 18 and 25 years old, and 60% were women. This numbers also show the contribution that the Lima 2019 Volunteer Program has left to our country.

Morales said 630 volunteers between 16 and 17 years old were part of the program and fulfilled their roles successfully. Meanwhile, about 480 volunteers came from different parts of the world such as Germany, United States, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, etc.

It is also worth mentioning that approximately 600 participants were senior citizen, who gave all their time and humble disposition to assist these Games.
