The minister of Economics, Carlos Oliva, and the UK ambassador to Peru, Kate Harrisson, also took part in the discussion group about public management and infrastructure.

The president of the Pan American and Parapan American Games Organizing Committee, Carlos Neuhaus Tudela, stated that Lima 2019 leaves a new model of procurement, innovation and transparency as legacy, with tools like the NEC, the new project management that allowed carrying out and organizing the event with a lower budget than that originally planned.
At the “Public Management and Infrastructure 2019” discussion group, which the minister of Economics, Carlos Oliva, and the UK ambassador to Peru, Kate Harrisson attended, among others, the Lima 2019 leader explained the reasons for the success of the organization and delivery of the Pan American and Parapan American Games in Peru. He gave this presentation exactly three years to the day he was appointed to lead this historical Lima 2019 project.
Among other factors that helped with the success of this multi-sports event in Peru, Neuhaus emphasized the transparent hiring process for construction works, the new management model, the perception of legacy, technical assistance and transfer of knowledge. “This was a model that incorporated private project management tools into the public sector,” said the leader of Lima 2019.
Neuhaus also spoke about the numbers that the Pan American and Parapan American Games generated, which helped activate the economy with an impact of 5.2 billion soles for the various activities. Additionally, 500 thousand direct and indirect jobs were generated and 203 MYPES benefited during the Games.
Likewise, the country’s exposure worldwide was valued at over 1 billion soles. Close to 750 thousand people attended the Games, generating an income of 16.6 million soles. A total of 11,315 volunteers participated in Lima 2019 and 1000 hours of competitions and ceremonies were broadcast.
Neuhaus also stated that 36,460 transfers of athletes and technical officials were conducted without anyone arriving late to their competition. He added that the Lima 2019 Games were the first green Games as they promoted waste collection policies to reduce the carbon footprint, which resulted in saving 1500 trees from being cut down.
During his presentation, the president of Lima 2019 also said that the support of the Government and Legislative Decrees 1248 and 1335 were key, because they made it possible to have automatic licenses for construction and sign the Government-to-Government agreement with the United Kingdom for infrastructure project management.
He also highlighted the support of the Armed Forces in leveling the land where the infrastructure was built, the execution of construction with partial approval of files, the ability to sign agreements for each project and the resource management agreements, as well as the special procedure for volunteering.
Neuhaus pointed out that, in Lima 2019, resources were optimized by not building more towers in the Pan American and Parapan American Village and by not building the Sports Center in San Isidro, but in Villa El Salvador for a third of the cost. Also, construction works for taxes were executed, such as the High Performance Surfing Center in Punta Rocas.
The Lima 2019 Games president stated that the Government-to-Government agreement with the UK was based on legacy, infrastructure, PMO, procurement and operational sports management.
During his presentation, the minister of Economics emphasized the legacy Lima 2019 is leaving behind in terms of management tools for the public sector, acknowledging the PMO, which was an important part of the success of the Lima 2019 Games. This will be replicated in the main projects that the Government will implement.
He also mentioned the hiring mechanisms and the NEC. “This contract made by engineers for engineers, as proposed in the 2019 Lima Games, will be used in certain projects for which we are making some legal changes,” he asserted.
The minister said that another of Lima 2019’s legacies is the use of the BIM (Building Information Modeling) system, for the form and design of the 52 projects that the Government will implement.